staff of life

bread, considered as the mainstay of the human diet.
Examples from the web for staff of life
  • To the tribes of the desert and sage plains these seeds are the staff of life.
  • The crusty loaves of today's artisan bakers are the staff of life.
  • Potatoes are the staff of life, but fresh salads also pepper the cuisine landscape, especially in big cities.
  • The staff of life on a feast day deserves more attention.
  • It's little wonder then, that wheat has long been considered the staff of life.
  • It is a staff of life to over half a billion people.
  • However, the real staff of life of the grizzly is the ground squirrel.
  • The seed contained in the cones of the spruce tree is the staff of life for the red squirrel.
  • Bread, the staff of life, a is all that the starving thousands c ask.
staff of life in Culture

staff of life definition

A basic staple food, such as bread, rice, or potatoes: “Rice is the staff of life in eastern Asia.”

Idioms and Phrases with staff of life

staff of life

A staple or necessary food, especially bread. For example, Rice is the staff of life for a majority of the earth's people. This expression, which uses staff in the sense of “a support,” was first recorded in 1638.